The grid of the Flip ‘n Braai range is light weight because of its size and is therefore super easy to flip.
Because of rotisserie function flipping the grid more frequently prevents food from burning even over hot coals.
The convenience of separating foods on more than one grid because various types of foods finish at different times makes braaing less time consuming.
The Flip ‘n Braai is ideal for ‘ bring and braais’ as each person can braai whatever they want on their own grid.
It’s easy to clean in kitchen sink or dishwasher because of size.
The grid’s long handles don’t get hot because they’re long enough not to get exposed to heat, so no gloves or cloths are needed when flipping the grid.
Use only one hand when flipping the grid.
The effortless flipping mechanism means the braaimaster can interact more with te crowd and become more sociable.
Even though the manual rotisserie function makes braaing much easier, it still allows you to enjoy the feeling of physically braaing.
When specifically braaing chicken, it tastes juicer because continuous turning over hot coals.